my Shack in a box (attempt hi)
I’ve been working on my “Shack in a Box” / “Gobox” for a couple weeks now.. The idea behind this is to have my HF radio in a single portable case that can be used both from my desk as well as the field or my car the antenna being used is the Dxslidewinder pro. Love that antenna. the Box can work on 230v with a plug on the back or my 12 v power box with mini starter battery.
This setup allows me to run voice and digital modes on HF using a Yaesu FT-991B and voice the radio is hooked up view Serial/USB cables to a Windows rugged mini i3 pc I use fldigi, sdrplay psk31 and even linux bootable is possible now..
hardware that i used so far for this build.
Gator 19 inch flightcase
hdmi/vga monitor portable mini monitor 10 inch.
yeasu ft991B radio
sdrplay sdruno and elad tuning knob.
2 fans running 2 speeds. push pull config..
usb powered mini audio amplifier with speaker.
I3 mini pc running potato windows 10 wifi and utp on the back.
keyboard is a bluetooth mouse all in one.
12v 30 amp powersupply used from a old 3d printer.

on the left side u see the 3d printed speaker unit.. it’s got a usb powered amplifier inside the speaker housing for the
extra punch when listening to pc audio..

the wifi antenna is mounted on the back now. it was inside but it was having problems with the wifi
so i can choose to work true lan or wifi or even bluetooth now..