My first qso on 40meters was with Christian OZ1FDE from Denmark on
3-4-2022 7131 lsb 20:35
I heard him calling CQ,and i thought he will never hear me on that small antenna in my backyard .. but what? he replied!
I was sending about 20 watts on my yaesu ft991 on a OPEK HVT-400B HF/VHF Multi-Band Mobile Antenna it’s a small mobile antenna in the backyard on a tripod..
he was using about 400 watts, his signal was booming. but my signal was erm weak. lol, it was a difficult qso, but i had it..!!!
As far as i can see. Christian OZ1FDE does not have eqsl or lotw.. . and google was not giving me more information how to contact Christian OZ1FDE to send him a card myself.
so if u ever hear him or speak to him .. pse let him know this and i will pay to get my first card..
or if u are ever reading this Christian OZ1FDE plse confirm the qso..
Distance from Denmark to Netherlands is aprox 535 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 332 miles.
Although he’s was about 332 miles away, I hope to make a more significant contact as the band opens up laterin the cycle It’s such an exciting feeling!
Je kan die man wel een kaartje of een email sturen maar je kijkt op de verkeerde site. QRZCQ wordt door vrijwel niemand gebruikt.
Deze site is beter maar je moet wel aanloggen en je vergunning bewijzen:
Groeten Bas – ON5HB
excuses voor de late reactie hoor.
dank je wel Bas, inmiddels ook gedaan..
duurde wat langer voor ik je berichtje zag staan
vandaar de trage reactie…